小編:cherry 5519大家都知道雅思口語分為3個部分,其中part1是最基本最簡單的口語問答。那么問題來了,你以為最基本的部分你不會被扣分么?其實這里面的陷阱可不少,考官一般從幾個簡單的問題就能知道你的英語水平怎么樣……
雅思口語part 1 中大家最容易被“坑”的三大陷阱
House & flat 看似很簡單但是你真的分的清么?house是高大上的別墅哦,F(xiàn)lat是一般人在城市住的套間~
下面就是簡單問題了,提問:Do you live in a house or flat?
如果你的回答大概是這樣的:I live in a house with my parents.. It’s very big and clean. It’s full of sunshine in the morning. When I feel sad, I will go home and stay in my room.那么恭喜你,5分必死表達就是這樣子的~
回答:I currently live in a three-bedroom flat located in Haidian District, which is in the capital city of our nation. My flat is situated on the second floor of a six-story building surrounded by restaurants, banks and supermarkets. There are various rooms including a living room, dining room, study room, kitchen and two bathrooms.
這個陷阱體現(xiàn)在各個問題中的專有名詞,特別是在說tree 和fruit的時候容易中招,很多同學(xué)開口就是各種幼兒園級別專有名詞,例如:Apple,Banana,Pear,peach。。。等等
再對比一下這些單詞:pitaya 火龍果,starfuit 楊桃,lychee 荔枝,durian 榴蓮
提問:What kind of fruit do you like best? Why?
回答:(必死版)I like apple very much. I eat an apple very day, because there is an old saying : An apple a day keeps the doctor away....... So, i get used to eat an apple everyday in order to get a strong body.
回答:(高分版)My favorite fruit is the strawberry due to its luscious taste and ability to be eaten with a multitude of foods. When I sink my teeth into a juicy strawberry, it is delightful because some are sour and others are sweet. Furthermore, strawberries are excellent additions to cakes, milkshakes and all sorts of desserts, making their applications endless.
是不是聽完以后就要流口水了? 鮮嫩多汁的草莓~這就是差距!是不是瞬間就高大上了呢?
同理,談?wù)摌淠镜臅r候也一樣,用點高大上的名詞,很多同學(xué)一緊張就什么樹名都想不起來了,直接就 apple tree就上了。。。。
下面給出兩個part 1 出現(xiàn)頻率非常高的兩個兄弟題目,題目相似,但是答案卻完全不一樣。一不注意就會掉入考官的陷阱里面。
提問1:What activities did you do in your leisure time as a child?
答案:(高分)When I was a child, I often played sports after school to keep fit and have fun. In particular, it was common for me to play basketball or soccer with my friends. Furthermore, computer games formed a large part of my childhood as they helped me to improve my hand-eye coordination and computer skills.
提問2:What activities do children do in leisure time now?
答案:(高分)Living in a society where technology is pervasive has made it easier for children to become addicted to a wide range of electronic devices. As a result, in their leisure time, they prefer to use computers, smartphones and tablets, such as iPads. Using these computing devices, they play games, communicate with friends and entertain themselves.
三種陷阱,最基本,也最簡單,但卻總是有人中招,除了基本功不過關(guān)的原因以外,很大原因是同學(xué)們輕敵了,覺得part1 都是簡單問答,卻沒想到這里面的門門道道也是很多的。